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Animation using AutoCAD VBA

Animation using AutoCAD VBA

Animation using AutoCAD VBA AutoCAD VBA can be used simple animations like movement of objects, changing colours of objects (line, circle etc) Example 2. Animation in AutoCAD VBA – circle movement (user form project) In this example, the circle will be moving along X axis based on the values like frame rate per second and time duration Description of the code: These codes creates a circle then delete it after frame rate value in seconds then regenerate by changing the center. Load the project – AutoCAD animation – circle movement.dvb (Download) Animation using AutoCAD VBA Or create a new project with following codes and Form Control items

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


Dim R As Variant

Dim X As Variant

Dim Y As Variant

Dim F As Long

Dim T As Variant

Dim Count As Integer

Dim Center(0 To 2) As Double

Dim objEnt As AcadCircle

On Error Resume Next

With ThisDrawing.Utility

R = TextBox1.Text

X = TextBox2.Text

Y = TextBox3.Text

F = TextBox4.Text

T = TextBox5.Text

'Center(0) = X: Center(1) = Y: Center(2) = 0

End With

'' draw the entity

For Count = 0 To 10

Center(0) = X + Count: Center(1) = Y: Center(2) = 0

If ThisDrawing.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace Then

Set objEnt = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(Center, R)


Set objEnt = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace.AddCircle(Center, R)

End If


ThisApplication.ActiveView.Fit True

Call WaitFor(F)


ThisApplication.ActiveView.Fit True


End Sub

Sub WaitFor(NumOfSeconds As Long)

Dim SngSec As Long

SngSec = Timer + NumOfSeconds

Do While Timer < SngSec


End Sub

And related form control items will look like this

Enter the values and press RUN button,
And related form control items will look like this Enter the values and press RUN button,

caa October 25 2023 328 reads 0 comments Print


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