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Transfer data from Autodesk Inventor to SolidWorks using VBA

Transferring data from Autodesk Inventor to SolidWorks using VBA involves automating both software applications. You can extract data from an Inventor model and then create or modify a SolidWorks model using that data. 

### Scenario:
- You want to transfer a part's dimensions or other properties from an Inventor model to a SolidWorks model.

### Step 1: Extract Data from Autodesk Inventor using VBA

Here’s how to extract part dimensions from Autodesk Inventor:

1. **Open Autodesk Inventor** and go to the **VBA Editor** (`Alt + F11`).
2. Insert a new module and add the following VBA code:

   Sub ExportInventorData()
       Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
       Dim oCompDef As PartComponentDefinition
       Dim oDim As DimensionConstraint
       Dim dimensions() As Variant
       Dim i As Integer
       ' Get the active document
       Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
       Set oCompDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition
       ' Initialize dimensions array
       ReDim dimensions(oCompDef.Sketches.Count - 1)
       ' Loop through sketches to get dimensions
       For i = 1 To oCompDef.Sketches.Count
           Set oDim = oCompDef.Sketches.Item(i).DimensionConstraints.Item(1)
           dimensions(i - 1) = oDim.Parameter._Value
       Next i
       ' Output to text file
       Open "C:PathToYourdimensions.txt" For Output As #1
       For i = LBound(dimensions) To UBound(dimensions)
           Print #1, dimensions(i)
       Next i
       Close #1
       MsgBox "Data Exported Successfully"
   End Sub

This script extracts the dimensions from the first dimension constraint in each sketch and saves them to a text file.

### Step 2: Import Data into SolidWorks using VBA

Now, use this data to create or modify a part in SolidWorks:

1. **Open SolidWorks** and go to the **VBA Editor** (`Alt + F11`).
2. Insert a new module and add the following VBA code:

   Sub ImportDataToSolidWorks()
       Dim swApp As Object
       Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
       Dim swPart As PartDoc
       Dim swSketch As SketchManager
       Dim swFeature As Feature
       Dim swDim As Dimension
       Dim dimensions() As Double
       Dim filePath As String
       Dim i As Integer
       ' Initialize SolidWorks application
       Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
       ' Open a new part document
       Set swModel = swApp.NewDocument("C:ProgramDataSolidWorksSOLIDWORKS 2022templatesPart.prtdot", 0, 0, 0)
       Set swPart = swModel
       Set swSketch = swModel.SketchManager
       ' Read dimensions from the text file
       filePath = "C:PathToYourdimensions.txt"
       Open filePath For Input As #1
       i = 0
       Do Until EOF(1)
           ReDim Preserve dimensions(i)
           Input #1, dimensions(i)
           i = i + 1
       Close #1
       ' Start a new sketch
       swSketch.InsertSketch True
       ' Create a rectangle using the first two dimensions (as an example)
       swSketch.CreateCornerRectangle 0, 0, 0, dimensions(0), dimensions(1), 0
       ' Close the sketch
       swSketch.InsertSketch False
       ' Extrude the sketch to create a 3D solid (using the third dimension)
       swFeature = swPart.FeatureManager.FeatureExtrusion2(True, False, False, 0, 0, dimensions(2), 0, False, False, False, False, 0, 0, False, False, False, False, True, True, True, 0, 0, False)
       ' Notify user
       MsgBox "SolidWorks Part Created Successfully"
   End Sub

### Explanation:

1. **Extracting Data from Inventor:**
   - The VBA script in Inventor loops through each sketch in the part document and extracts the first dimension constraint’s value.
   - It then saves these values into a text file.

2. **Importing Data into SolidWorks:**
   - The VBA script in SolidWorks reads the dimensions from the text file.
   - It creates a simple part (e.g., a rectangle extruded into a 3D solid) using the dimensions extracted from Inventor.

### Step 3: Run the VBA Macros

1. **In Autodesk Inventor**, run the `ExportInventorData` macro to export the data to a text file.
2. **In SolidWorks**, run the `ImportDataToSolidWorks` macro to read the text file and create the part.

### Notes:

- **File Paths:** Ensure the file paths in the scripts match where you intend to save and read the files.
- **SolidWorks Template Path:** The path to the SolidWorks template (`Part.prtdot`) should match your installation directory.
- **Expand Functionality:** These examples are basic and can be expanded to transfer more complex geometry or additional properties.

### Conclusion

This approach allows for basic data transfer between Inventor and SolidWorks through VBA automation. For more complex needs, consider exporting and importing geometry using neutral formats like STEP files or using APIs provided by both software.

caa August 14 2024 36 reads 0 comments Print


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