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Email to whatsapp - outlook vba

To create a VBA script in Outlook that sends an email's content to WhatsApp, you would need to integrate Outlook with a service like Twilio, which provides a WhatsApp API. The process would involve extracting the email content and then sending it via WhatsApp using the Twilio API.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can set up this functionality:

### **1. Sign Up for Twilio and Get API Credentials**
- Sign up for a [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com/) account.
- Set up a Twilio Sandbox for WhatsApp.
- Get your `Account SID`, `Auth Token`, and the Twilio WhatsApp number.

### **2. Set Up VBA Script in Outlook**

1. **Open Outlook VBA Editor:**
   - Press `Alt + F11` to open the VBA editor.
   - Go to `Insert > Module` to create a new module.

2. **Add References:**
   - Go to `Tools > References`.
   - Add references for `Microsoft XML, v6.0` (for making HTTP requests).

3. **Write the VBA Code:**

   Sub SendEmailToWhatsApp()

       Dim olItem As MailItem

       Dim twilioURL As String

       Dim xml As Object

       Dim accountSID As String

       Dim authToken As String

       Dim toPhoneNumber As String

       Dim fromPhoneNumber As String

       Dim messageBody As String


       ' Twilio API Credentials

       accountSID = "your_account_sid"

       authToken = "your_auth_token"

       toPhoneNumber = "whatsapp:+1234567890" ' Replace with recipient's WhatsApp number

       fromPhoneNumber = "whatsapp:+14155238886" ' Twilio Sandbox WhatsApp number


       ' URL for sending the message

       twilioURL = "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/" & accountSID & "/Messages.json"


       ' Get the currently selected email

       Set olItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)


       ' Prepare the message body

       messageBody = "Subject: " & olItem.Subject & vbCrLf & "Body: " & vbCrLf & olItem.Body


       ' Create the XMLHTTP object for the HTTP request

       Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")


       ' Make the HTTP POST request to Twilio API

       With xml

           .Open "POST", twilioURL, False, accountSID, authToken

           .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

           .send "To=" & toPhoneNumber & "&From=" & fromPhoneNumber & "&Body=" & URLEncode(messageBody)

       End With


       ' Check the response status

       If xml.Status = 201 Then

           MsgBox "Message sent successfully!"


           MsgBox "Failed to send message. Status: " & xml.Status & vbCrLf & xml.responseText

       End If

   End Sub


   ' Helper function to URL-encode the message body

   Function URLEncode(ByVal Text As String) As String

       Dim i As Integer

       Dim Char As String

       Dim Code As String

       Dim OutText As String


       OutText = ""

       For i = 1 To Len(Text)

           Char = Mid(Text, i, 1)

           Code = "%" & Hex(Asc(Char))

           OutText = OutText & Code

       Next i

       URLEncode = OutText

   End Function


### **3. How It Works:**
- **Select an Email:** This script works on the currently selected email in Outlook. 
- **Send the Email Content:** It extracts the subject and body of the email and sends it as a WhatsApp message using the Twilio API.

### **4. Run the Script:**
- To run the script, select an email in Outlook.
- Press `Alt + F8`, select `SendEmailToWhatsApp`, and click `Run`.

### **5. Notes:**
- Ensure that you replace `"your_account_sid"`, `"your_auth_token"`, and the phone numbers with your actual Twilio credentials and target WhatsApp number.
- This is a basic example. You can enhance it by handling attachments, formatting the message, or automating it to trigger on specific email events.

This script provides a simple way to bridge Outlook emails and WhatsApp using VBA and the Twilio API.

caa August 21 2024 34 reads 0 comments Print


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