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Project: Smart Energy Consumption Analysis and Alert System

Project: Smart Energy Consumption Analysis and Alert System Objective: Build a system using the Emporia Gen 3 Smart Home Energy Monitor to track, analyze, and optimize home energy usage. The system will notify users when energy usage exceeds specified thresholds, providing real-time insights via a dashboard and alerts via email/SMS.

Components and Tools:

  1. Hardware:

  2. Software/Platforms:

    • Python for data collection and processing
    • Flask/Django for the dashboard (or Node.js if preferred)
    • Emporia API (for retrieving energy monitor data)
    • Twilio API (for SMS notifications)
    • SMTP (for email notifications)
    • SQLite or MySQL for data storage
  3. Key APIs and Libraries:

    • requests
      (for interacting with the Emporia API)
    • pandas
      (for data analysis)
    • matplotlib
      (for data visualization)
    • Flask
      (for building the web interface)

Steps to Build the Project:

  1. Setup Emporia Gen 3 Energy Monitor:

    • Install and configure the Emporia device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Register the device via the Emporia app and link it to your account.
  2. Access Emporia API:

    • Generate API credentials from the Emporia web portal or documentation.
    • Use these credentials to fetch real-time and historical energy usage data.
  3. Data Collection Script (Python):

    • Write a script to fetch data from the Emporia API at regular intervals.
    • Save the data to a database for analysis.
import requests
import sqlite3
import time

# Emporia API configuration
API_URL = "https://api.emporiaenergy.com/v1"
API_KEY = "your_emporia_api_key"

# Database setup
conn = sqlite3.connect("energy_data.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
 timestamp TEXT,
 usage REAL

# Fetch data
def fetch_energy_data():
 headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"}
 response = requests.get(f"{API_URL}/devices/usage", headers=headers)
 if response.status_code == 200:
 data = response.json()
 usage = data["currentUsage"] # Adjust based on the API response
 timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO energy_usage VALUES (?, ?)", (timestamp, usage))
 print("Failed to fetch data:", response.status_code, response.text)

# Schedule periodic data fetching
while True:
 time.sleep(60) # Fetch data every minute
  1. Analyze and Visualize Data:
    • Create daily, weekly, and monthly usage summaries.
    • Visualize trends using
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load data
data = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM energy_usage", conn)

# Plot
data['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(data['timestamp'])
data.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
plt.title("Energy Usage Over Time")
plt.ylabel("Energy Usage (kWh)")
  1. Build a Web Dashboard:
    • Use Flask to create a web interface for visualizing data and setting thresholds.
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
 return render_template("index.html")

def get_data():
 data = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM energy_usage", conn)
 return jsonify(data.to_dict(orient="records"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Set Alerts:
    • Use Twilio or SMTP to send notifications if energy usage exceeds a threshold.
import smtplib

def send_alert(usage):
 if usage > 100: # Replace with your threshold
 with smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587) as server:
 server.login("your_email@gmail.com", "your_password")
 f"Subject: High Energy Usage AlertnnYour energy usage is too high: {usage} kWh!"


  1. Real-Time Monitoring: View live energy usage.
  2. Historical Data Analysis: Analyze past energy trends.
  3. Custom Alerts: Set thresholds for notifications.
  4. Dashboard: Access usage stats and trends via a user-friendly web interface.

Next Steps:

  • Add machine learning to predict future energy consumption.
  • Integrate with smart home devices to automate energy-saving measures.
  • Expand the project to support multiple energy monitors.


caa November 29 2024 88 reads 0 comments Print


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