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etrade api sample place buy order

Here is a complete Python script to place a buy order using the E*TRADE API.


Authenticates using OAuth1
Gets the account ID
Places a market buy order for a stock (e.g., MSFT)

Step 1: Install Required Libraries

E*TRADE API requires OAuth 1.0 authentication. Install the necessary packages:

pip install requests requests-oauthlib

Step 2: Python Code to Place a Buy Order

Replace API keys with your actual E*TRADE Consumer Key & Secret.

import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1

# 🔹 Replace these with your E*TRADE API credentials
CONSUMER_KEY = "your_consumer_key"
CONSUMER_SECRET = "your_consumer_secret"
ACCESS_TOKEN = "your_access_token"
ACCESS_SECRET = "your_access_secret"

# 🔹 Base API URLs
BASE_URL = "https://apisb.etrade.com" # Use "https://api.etrade.com" for live trading
ACCOUNT_LIST_URL = f"{BASE_URL}/v1/accounts/list"
PLACE_ORDER_URL = f"{BASE_URL}/v1/accounts/{'{account_id}'}/orders/place"

# 🔹 Setup OAuth1 authentication

# Step 1: Get Account ID
response = requests.get(ACCOUNT_LIST_URL, auth=auth)
if response.status_code == 200:
 accounts = response.json()
 account_id = accounts["AccountListResponse"]["Accounts"]["Account"][0]["accountId"]
 print(f"✅ E*TRADE Account ID: {account_id}")
 print("❌ Error fetching account details:", response.json())

# Step 2: Define Market Order for MSFT
order_payload = {
 "PlaceOrderRequest": {
 "orderType": "EQ", # Equity order
 "clientOrderId": "123456789", # Unique order ID
 "orderAction": "BUY",
 "quantity": 5, # Buying 5 shares
 "symbol": "MSFT",
 "priceType": "MARKET", # Market order
 "orderTerm": "GOOD_FOR_DAY",
 "marketSession": "REGULAR"

# Step 3: Place the Order
response = requests.post(PLACE_ORDER_URL.format(account_id=account_id), json=order_payload, auth=auth)

# Step 4: Check Response
if response.status_code == 200:
 order_info = response.json()
 print("✅ Order Placed Successfully:", order_info)
 print("❌ Order Placement Failed:", response.json())

🔹 How It Works

1️⃣ Authenticates using OAuth1
2️⃣ Fetches the account ID
3️⃣ Places a Market Buy Order for MSFT (5 shares)

✅ Enhancements

  • Stop-Loss & Limit Orders:
    "priceType": "LIMIT",
    "limitPrice": 400.00
  • TradingView Webhook Integration for Automated Trading
  • Logging System for tracking trades


caa January 28 2025 31 reads 0 comments Print


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