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Inventor VBA for Extrude Function

To perform an extrude operation in Autodesk Inventor using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), you can use the

object and the
object to define and execute the extrusion. Here's a basic example of how to create a simple VBA script to perform an extrusion operation in Autodesk Inventor:

To perform an extrude operation in Autodesk Inventor using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), you can use the `ExtrudeFeatures` object and the `ExtrudeDefinition` object to define and execute the extrusion. Here's a basic example of how to create a simple VBA script to perform an extrusion operation in Autodesk Inventor:

Sub ExtrudeInInventor()
    ' Declare Inventor application and document variables
    Dim inventorApp As Inventor.Application
    Set inventorApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application")
    If inventorApp Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Autodesk Inventor is not running. Please start Inventor and run the macro again."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Access the active part document
    Dim partDoc As PartDocument
    Set partDoc = inventorApp.ActiveDocument
    ' Check if the active document is a part document
    If partDoc.DocumentType = kPartDocumentObject Then
        ' Access the part's component definition
        Dim partDef As PartComponentDefinition
        Set partDef = partDoc.ComponentDefinition
        ' Create an extrude feature definition
        Dim extrudeDef As ExtrudeDefinition
        Set extrudeDef = partDef.Features.ExtrudeFeatures.CreateExtrudeDefinition()
        ' Set extrusion parameters
        extrudeDef.Direction = PartFeatureExtentDirectionEnum.kSymmetricExtentDirection
        extrudeDef.SetDistanceExtent 10, PartFeatureExtentDirectionEnum.kSymmetricExtentDirection
        ' Create the extrude feature
        Dim extrudeFeature As ExtrudeFeature
        Set extrudeFeature = partDef.Features.ExtrudeFeatures.Add(extrudeDef)
        ' Update the part document
        MsgBox "The active document is not a part document."
    End If
End Sub

In this VBA script:

1. We first obtain a reference to the running Inventor application.

2. We access the active part document (assuming that you are working with a part document).

3. We create an `ExtrudeDefinition` object, set its parameters (such as the extrusion direction and distance), and create an `ExtrudeFeature` using the definition.

4. Finally, we update the part document to apply the extrusion.

Before running the script, make sure Autodesk Inventor is running, and you have an active part document open. Additionally, you can customize the extrusion parameters as needed for your specific modeling requirements.

admin2 October 25 2023 178 reads 0 comments Print


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