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How to handle keyboard press events in Python - Step-by-Step Guide

To handle keyboard press events in Python, you can use the

module. This module allows you to listen for keyboard events and execute code in response. Below is a guide on how to use the
module to handle keyboard press events.

### Step-by-Step Guide

1. **Install the `keyboard` Module**:
    pip install keyboard

2. **Listening for a Specific Key Press**:
    This example will demonstrate how to listen for a specific key press and execute a function when that key is pressed.

    import keyboard

    def on_space_press():
        print("Space key pressed!")

    # Hook the space key to call the on_space_press function
    keyboard.on_press_key("space", lambda _: on_space_press())

    # Keep the script running to listen for events
    print("Listening for key presses...")
    keyboard.wait("esc")  # This will keep the script running until the Esc key is pressed

3. **Listening for Any Key Press**:
    If you want to execute a function whenever any key is pressed, you can use the `keyboard.hook` function.

    import keyboard

    def on_key_event(event):
        print(f"Key {event.name} {event.event_type}")

    # Hook all key events to call the on_key_event function

    # Keep the script running to listen for events
    print("Listening for key presses...")
    keyboard.wait("esc")  # This will keep the script running until the Esc key is pressed

4. **Example with Key Combinations**:
    You can also listen for key combinations (e.g., Ctrl+C).

    import keyboard

    def on_ctrl_c():
        print("Ctrl+C pressed!")

    # Hook the Ctrl+C combination to call the on_ctrl_c function
    keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+c', on_ctrl_c)

    # Keep the script running to listen for events
    print("Listening for key presses...")
    keyboard.wait("esc")  # This will keep the script running until the Esc key is pressed

### Explanation

- **Installation**: The `keyboard` module needs to be installed first using `pip install keyboard`.
- **Listening for Specific Key Presses**:
  - `keyboard.on_press_key("space", lambda _: on_space_press())`: This line sets up a listener for the space key. When the space key is pressed, the `on_space_press` function is called.
- **Listening for Any Key Press**:
  - `keyboard.hook(on_key_event)`: This hooks all key events and calls `on_key_event` with the event details.
- **Listening for Key Combinations**:
  - `keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+c', on_ctrl_c)`: This sets up a listener for the Ctrl+C key combination and calls `on_ctrl_c` when the combination is pressed.
- **Keeping the Script Running**:
  - `keyboard.wait("esc")`: This keeps the script running and listening for events until the Esc key is pressed.

These examples demonstrate the basic functionality of the `keyboard` module for handling keyboard events in Python. You can extend these examples to suit your specific use case, such as logging keystrokes, creating shortcuts, or automating tasks based on keyboard inputs.

caa June 21 2024 156 reads 0 comments Print


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