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Create Python UI with Tabs - PyGTK sample program

Creating a PyGTK application with tabs involves using the

library to create a window with a notebook widget. This widget allows you to add multiple tabs, each containing different content. Below, I'll provide a step-by-step guide and a sample program to create a PyGTK window with tabs using Python.

pygtk tabbed window sample.png (38 KB)
### Step-by-Step Guide

1. **Install PyGTK (GTK+ 3):**
   - First, ensure you have GTK+ 3 installed on your system. You can install the Python bindings for GTK using `PyGObject`.

   pip install PyGObject

2. **Create the Main Window:**
   - Start by creating the main window for your application.

3. **Add a Notebook Widget:**
   - Use the `Gtk.Notebook` widget to create tabs.

4. **Add Tabs to the Notebook:**
   - Create different widgets (like labels or buttons) to serve as content for each tab.
   - Add these widgets to the notebook with a tab label.

5. **Run the Application:**
   - Finally, run the application loop to display the window.

### Sample Program

Here’s a complete example that demonstrates how to create a PyGTK window with tabs:

import gi
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk

class TabbedWindow(Gtk.Window):
    def __init__(self):
        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="PyGTK Tabbed Window Example")

        # Set window size
        self.set_default_size(400, 300)

        # Create a Notebook widget
        notebook = Gtk.Notebook()

        # Create the first tab content
        tab1_content = Gtk.Box()
        tab1_label = Gtk.Label(label="This is Tab 1")

        # Add the first tab to the notebook
        notebook.append_page(tab1_content, Gtk.Label(label="Tab 1"))

        # Create the second tab content
        tab2_content = Gtk.Box()
        tab2_label = Gtk.Label(label="This is Tab 2")

        # Add the second tab to the notebook
        notebook.append_page(tab2_content, Gtk.Label(label="Tab 2"))

        # Create the third tab content with a button
        tab3_content = Gtk.Box()
        button = Gtk.Button(label="Click Me")
        button.connect("clicked", self.on_button_clicked)

        # Add the third tab to the notebook
        notebook.append_page(tab3_content, Gtk.Label(label="Tab 3"))

        # Add the notebook to the main window

    def on_button_clicked(self, widget):
        print("Button clicked in Tab 3!")

# Main application entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
    win = TabbedWindow()
    win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)

### Explanation

- **Gtk.Window:** This creates the main application window.
- **Gtk.Notebook:** The `Gtk.Notebook` widget is used to create tabs. You add pages (tabs) to this widget.
- **Gtk.Box:** A simple container used to organize widgets vertically or horizontally.
- **Gtk.Label:** Displays text on each tab.
- **Gtk.Button:** A button widget that can trigger actions when clicked. In this example, it prints a message to the console.

### Running the Program

1. **Save the script as `pygtk_tabs.py`** or any name you prefer.

2. **Run the script using Python:**

   python pygtk_tabs.py

### Customizing the Tabs

You can customize the tabs by adding different widgets or changing their content. Here are a few ideas:

- **Add Images:** Use `Gtk.Image` to add images to the tabs.
- **Input Forms:** Add input fields (like `Gtk.Entry`) for data entry.
- **Complex Layouts:** Use `Gtk.Grid` or `Gtk.Box` to create complex layouts within each tab.
- **Tab Close Buttons:** Implement close buttons for each tab if you want users to dynamically add/remove tabs.

### Conclusion

This sample program demonstrates how to create a PyGTK window with tabs, providing a foundation for building more complex applications. By customizing the tab content, you can create a wide variety of user interfaces suitable for different applications.

caa August 01 2024 208 reads 0 comments Print


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