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fetch tradingview candle stick data

Last updated on 1 month ago
caaSuper Admin
Posted 1 month ago
TradingView itself does not offer a public API for fetching candlestick data directly, but you can use the following approaches:

### 1. **Third-Party Data APIs**
Several APIs provide financial market data, similar to what TradingView displays:

#### Popular APIs:
1. **Alpha Vantage**
- Offers historical and intraday stock data.
- [Get API Key here](https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key).

Example (Intraday Candlestick Data for AAPL):
 import requests

 API_KEY = "your_alpha_vantage_api_key"
 symbol = "AAPL"
 url = f"https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol={symbol}&interval=1min&apikey={API_KEY}"

 response = requests.get(url)
 data = response.json()

 # Accessing candlestick data
 time_series = data.get("Time Series (1min)", {})
 for time, ohlc in time_series.items():
 print(f"Time: {time}, Open: {ohlc['1. open']}, High: {ohlc['2. high']}, Low: {ohlc['3. low']}, Close: {ohlc['4. close']}")

2. **Yahoo Finance API**
- Fetch OHLC data using a library like yfinance in Python.
 import yfinance as yf

 ticker = "AAPL"
 data = yf.download(ticker, interval="1m", period="1d")

caaSuper Admin
Posted 1 month ago
3. **IEX Cloud**
- Real-time and historical data for U.S. and international markets.
- [IEX Cloud API](https://iexcloud.io/).

4. **Polygon.io**
- Comprehensive candlestick data for stocks, forex, and crypto.
- [Polygon.io API](https://polygon.io/).


### 2. **WebSocket Data Feeds**
For real-time candlestick updates, use data providers with WebSocket APIs:

#### Example: Binance WebSocket for Crypto
import websocket
import json

def on_message(ws, message):
 data = json.loads(message)
 print("Candlestick data:", data)

socket = "wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/btcusdt@kline_1m"

ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket, on_message=on_message)


### 3. **TradingView Charting Library with Custom Datafeed**
If you use the **TradingView Charting Library**, you must implement a custom datafeed using their Datafeed API.
caaSuper Admin
Posted 1 month ago
#### Steps:
1. Download the TradingView Charting Library.
2. Use a custom server or API as the data source.
3. Implement the onReady, resolveSymbol, and getBars methods in JavaScript for your datafeed.


### 4. **Scraping TradingView (Not Recommended)**
You can scrape candlestick data, but it **violates TradingView's Terms of Service**. If you proceed, do so responsibly and understand the risks.

#### Example (Using Python with Selenium/BeautifulSoup):
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = "https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NASDAQ-AAPL/"

driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Use the appropriate WebDriver for your browser

html = driver.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

# Locate candlestick data (you'll need to inspect the DOM structure)

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