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flattrade api - fetch crude oil options ltp

Last updated on 2 months ago
Posted 2 months ago
import pandas as pd
import requests
from io import StringIO
import datetime
import urllib3

# Suppress SSL certificate verification warning

# Step 1: Fetch the CSV from the URL
url = "https://flattrade.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/scripmaster/Commodity.csv"
response = requests.get(url, verify=False) # Added verify=False to bypass SSL verification

# Step 2: Read the CSV into a pandas DataFrame
csv_data = response.text
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_data))

# Clean any leading/trailing spaces in column names
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()

# Step 3: Get this month in 3-letter format (e.g., "DEC" for December)
this_month = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%b').upper()

# Step 4: Filter the data based on expiry month and the given strike price (e.g., 6000)
strike_price = 6000

# Ensure that the column exists before filtering
if 'Strike' in df.columns:
filtered_data = df[df['Strike'] == strike_price]
filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data['Expiry'].str.contains(this_month)]

# Step 5: Now extract individual values for the different options (CE and PE for CRUDEOIL and CRUDEOIL MINI)
# Extract values for CRUDEOIL (CE and PE)
crude_ce_token = filtered_data.loc[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE', 'Token'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE'].empty else None
crude_ce_trade_symbol = filtered_data.loc[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE', 'Tradingsymbol'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE'].empty else None
crude_pe_token = filtered_data.loc[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE', 'Token'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE'].empty else None
crude_pe_trade_symbol = filtered_data.loc[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE', 'Tradingsymbol'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE'].empty else None

# Extract values for CRUDEOIL MINI (CE and PE)
crude_mini_ce_token = filtered_data.loc[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE'), 'Token'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE')].empty else None
crude_mini_ce_trade_symbol = filtered_data.loc[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE'), 'Tradingsymbol'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'CE')].empty else None
crude_mini_pe_token = filtered_data.loc[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE'), 'Token'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE')].empty else None
crude_mini_pe_trade_symbol = filtered_data.loc[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE'), 'Tradingsymbol'].iloc[0] if not filtered_data[(filtered_data['Symbol'] == 'CRUDEOILM') & (filtered_data['Optiontype'] == 'PE')].empty else None

# Print results for CRUDEOIL and CRUDEOIL MINI
print(f"CRUDECETOKEN: {crude_ce_token}")
print(f"CRUDECETRADESYMBOL: {crude_ce_trade_symbol}")
print(f"CRUDEPETOKEN: {crude_pe_token}")
print(f"CRUDEPETRADESYMBOL: {crude_pe_trade_symbol}")
print(f"CRUDEMINICETOKEN: {crude_mini_ce_token}")
print(f"CRUDEMINICETRADESYMBOL: {crude_mini_ce_trade_symbol}")
print(f"CRUDEMINIPETOKEN: {crude_mini_pe_token}")
print(f"CRUDEMINIPETRADESYMBOL: {crude_mini_pe_trade_symbol}")

# Fetch LTP for the tokens
def fetch_ltp(token):
# Replace with the actual endpoint and parameters for Flattrade API to fetch LTP
ltp_url = f"https://api.flattrade.com/ltp/{token}" # This is just an example URL
response = requests.get(ltp_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
return data.get('ltp', None)
print(f"Error fetching LTP for token {token}")
return None

# Fetch LTP for each token
if crude_ce_token:
ltp_crude_ce = fetch_ltp(crude_ce_token)
print(f"LTP for CRUDECETOKEN: {ltp_crude_ce}")

if crude_pe_token:
ltp_crude_pe = fetch_ltp(crude_pe_token)
print(f"LTP for CRUDEPETOKEN: {ltp_crude_pe}")

if crude_mini_ce_token:
ltp_crude_mini_ce = fetch_ltp(crude_mini_ce_token)
print(f"LTP for CRUDEMINICETOKEN: {ltp_crude_mini_ce}")

if crude_mini_pe_token:
ltp_crude_mini_pe = fetch_ltp(crude_mini_pe_token)
print(f"LTP for CRUDEMINIPETOKEN: {ltp_crude_mini_pe}")

print("Column 'Strike' does not exist in the DataFrame!")
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