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placing a buy order using the TD Ameritrade API

Last updated on 12 days ago
caaSuper Admin
Posted 12 days ago
Here’s a simple example of placing a **buy order** using the TD Ameritrade API. This program assumes you already have a valid **access token**.


### Required Steps

1. **Obtain Access Token**:
2. **Account ID**: Get your account ID from your TD Ameritrade account.
3. **Buy Order Details**: Define the stock symbol, quantity, price, and order type.

caaSuper Admin
Posted 12 days ago
import requests
import json

# Replace these with your details
ACCESS_TOKEN = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" # Replace with your access token
ACCOUNT_ID = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID" # Replace with your TD Ameritrade account ID

def place_buy_order(symbol, quantity, price):
 url = f"https://api.tdameritrade.com/v1/accounts/{ACCOUNT_ID}/orders"
 headers = {
 "Authorization": f"Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}",
 "Content-Type": "application/json"
 # Define the order
 order_payload = {
 "orderType": "LIMIT",
 "session": "NORMAL", # Options: NORMAL, AM, PM, SEAMLESS
 "duration": "DAY", # Options: DAY, GTC, etc.
 "orderStrategyType": "SINGLE",
 "orderLegCollection": [
 "instruction": "BUY", # BUY or SELL
 "quantity": quantity,
 "instrument": {
 "symbol": symbol,
 "assetType": "EQUITY" # Use "OPTION" for options trading
 "price": price # Limit price

 # Make the API request
 response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(order_payload))

 if response.status_code == 201:
 print("Order placed successfully!")
 print(f"Error placing order: {response.status_code}")

# Example: Place a limit buy order for 10 shares of AAPL at $150
place_buy_order("AAPL", 10, 150.00)
caaSuper Admin
Posted 12 days ago
Key Parameters in the Order Payload
Field Description
orderType Order type, e.g., LIMIT, MARKET.
session Trading session (NORMAL, AM, PM, SEAMLESS).
duration Order duration, e.g., DAY or GTC (Good Till Canceled).
instruction BUY or SELL.
quantity Number of shares to buy/sell.
price For limit orders, the maximum price you're willing to pay.
assetType Asset type (EQUITY for stocks, OPTION for options).

Authorization: Ensure your access token is valid. Tokens expire after 30 minutes.
Sandbox Testing: TD Ameritrade does not offer a dedicated sandbox for testing live orders. Be careful when placing real orders.
Error Handling: Always check the API response for errors.
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