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Python automation on macOS

Last updated on 28 days ago
caaSuper Admin
Posted 28 days ago
Python is highly capable for automation tasks on macOS, from managing files to controlling applications. Here are some key areas and sample code snippets to get you started with Python automation on a MacBook:

### 1. **Automating System Tasks**
You can use the subprocess module to execute shell commands directly from Python.

 import subprocess

 # Example: List all files in the home directory
 subprocess.run(["ls", "-la", "/Users/yourusername"])

### 2. **Automating File Management**
The os and shutil modules help with file operations like creating, deleting, moving, and renaming files or directories.

 import os
 import shutil

 # Create a new folder
 os.makedirs("/Users/yourusername/Documents/NewFolder", exist_ok=True)

 # Move a file
 shutil.move("/path/to/file.txt", "/Users/yourusername/Documents/NewFolder")
caaSuper Admin
Posted 28 days ago
### 3. **Using AppleScript for Application Automation**
AppleScript can be combined with Python using osascript to automate apps like Safari, Finder, and Calendar.

 import subprocess

 # Open Safari and go to a URL
 safari_script = 'tell application "Safari" to open location "https://www.apple.com"'
 subprocess.run(["osascript", "-e", safari_script])

### 4. **Automating Keyboard and Mouse Actions**
Libraries like pyautogui allow you to simulate keyboard and mouse actions.

 import pyautogui

 # Move mouse to a specific position and click
 pyautogui.moveTo(100, 200, duration=1)

 # Type text
 pyautogui.typewrite("Hello, world!", interval=0.1)
caaSuper Admin
Posted 28 days ago
### 5. **Scheduling Tasks**
schedule is a Python library that lets you run code at specific intervals, making it useful for periodic tasks.

 import schedule
 import time

 def job():
 print("Doing automation task...")

 # Schedule the job every 10 seconds

 while True:

### 6. **Automating System Preferences and Settings**
With the appscript library, you can interact with system preferences, but some functions are restricted for security reasons.

 import appscript

 # Example: Adjust volume using appscript
 appscript.app('System Events').sound volume.set(50)
caaSuper Admin
Posted 28 days ago
### 7. **Automation with Homebrew and CLI Apps**
Use subprocess to install or manage software packages through Homebrew, which simplifies managing installations.

 import subprocess

 # Install a package (example: wget) using Homebrew
 subprocess.run(["brew", "install", "wget"])

### 8. **Automating MacOS Notifications**
Use osascript to display notifications on macOS.

 import subprocess

 def notify(title, message):
 script = f'display notification "{message}" with title "{title}"'
 subprocess.run(["osascript", "-e", script])

 # Example notification
 notify("Task Complete", "Your automation script has finished.")

These are a few examples of how Python can automate various tasks on macOS. Let me know if there’s a specific area you’d like to explore more!
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