ai based cyber security automation sample program
Here’s an AI-based cybersecurity automation program showcasing intrusion detection and threat classification. It automates the detection of suspicious activity in log files using a machine learning model for anomaly detection.
AI-Powered Intrusion Detection Automation
Use Case:
- Monitor log files (e.g., web server logs or firewall logs) in real-time.
- Use AI to classify log entries as normal or suspicious.
- Alert the admin via email if suspicious activity is detected.
Code Example
import os
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from import FileSystemEventHandler
import joblib # For loading pre-trained ML models
import pandas as pd
# Load pre-trained AI model (e.g., Isolation Forest or similar)
model = joblib.load("anomaly_detection_model.pkl") # Replace with your model file
# Email configuration
EMAIL_PASSWORD = "your_password"
def process_log_entry(log_entry):
"""Convert a log entry into a suitable format for the AI model."""
# Assuming log_entry is a comma-separated string: "timestamp,ip,status,request"
# Extract features like IP, status code, request type, etc.
parts = log_entry.split(",")
return pd.DataFrame([{
"ip": parts[1], # Example: Convert IP to numeric representation
"status_code": int(parts[2]),
"request_type": parts[3],
def classify_log(log_entry):
"""Classify a log entry as normal or suspicious."""
data = process_log_entry(log_entry)
prediction = model.predict(data) # Returns 0 for normal, 1 for suspicious
return prediction[0] == 1
def send_alert(log_entry):
"""Send an email alert for suspicious activity."""
subject = "Suspicious Activity Detected"
body = f"A suspicious log entry was detected:nn{log_entry}"
msg = MIMEText(body)
msg["Subject"] = subject
msg["From"] = EMAIL_FROM
msg["To"] = EMAIL_TO
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(SMTP_SERVER, 465) as server:
server.sendmail(EMAIL_FROM, EMAIL_TO, msg.as_string())
print("Alert email sent!")
class LogMonitorHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
"""Handles new log entries in the watched folder."""
def on_modified(self, event):
if event.is_directory:
if event.src_path.endswith(".log"):
print(f"Log file updated: {event.src_path}")
with open(event.src_path, "r") as file:
logs = file.readlines()
for log_entry in logs[-10:]: # Process the last 10 entries
if classify_log(log_entry.strip()):
print(f"Suspicious log detected: {log_entry.strip()}")
def start_monitoring(log_folder):
"""Start monitoring a folder for new log entries."""
observer = Observer()
event_handler = LogMonitorHandler()
observer.schedule(event_handler, log_folder, recursive=False)
print(f"Monitoring logs in: {log_folder}")
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Replace with the path of the folder containing log files
LOG_FOLDER = "/path/to/logs"
How It Works
Log Monitoring:
- Watches a folder containing log files in real-time using the
- Detects changes (e.g., new entries) in
- Watches a folder containing log files in real-time using the
AI-Based Threat Detection:
- Extracts features from each log entry (e.g., IP address, status code, request type).
- Classifies the log entry as "normal" or "suspicious" using a pre-trained anomaly detection model.
Alert Automation:
- Sends an email alert to the administrator for every suspicious log entry.
Install the required libraries:
pip install watchdog pandas scikit-learn joblib
- Pre-trained Model: Use a model like Isolation Forest, Autoencoders, or a supervised classifier (e.g., Random Forest). Train the model on your log dataset.
- Log Formats: Adapt the
function to parse your specific log file format.process_log_entry
- Alerting Mechanisms: Extend the email alert system to integrate with Slack, SMS, or other alerting services.
Example Log Entry
For this example, the log file might look like:
2025-01-26,,404,GET /admin 2025-01-26,,200,POST /login
function should transform this into a format suitable for your AI model.
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