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flattrade api - get access token - session key sample program

Last updated on 1 month ago
Posted 1 month ago
import requests
import hashlib

# Configuration
API_KEY = "7868b2c697y64cb76586adf7c4c03874"
API_SECRET = "2023.ecaf6c7cebe44e9d83c4e76597b2af7623316f4d1ca6c342"
AUTH_URL = "https://auth.flattrade.in/?app_key={api_key}" # Replace api_key dynamically
TOKEN_URL = "https://authapi.flattrade.in/trade/apitoken" # Endpoint for generating access token

def generate_access_token():
Function to generate the access token by exchanging the request_code with the API.
# Step 1: Provide the authentication URL
print(f"Open the following URL in a browser to authenticate:\n{AUTH_URL.format(api_key=API_KEY)}")

# Step 2: Enter the request code obtained from the redirect URL
request_code = input("Enter the request_code from the redirect URL: ")

# Step 3: Generate the SHA-256 hash
hash_value = hashlib.sha256((API_KEY + request_code + API_SECRET).encode()).hexdigest()

# Step 4: Prepare the payload
payload = {
"api_key": API_KEY,
"request_code": request_code,
"api_secret": hash_value

# Step 5: Make the API request to generate the token
print("Requesting access token...")
response = requests.post(TOKEN_URL, json=payload)

# Debugging Output
print("Response Status Code:", response.status_code)
print("Response Content:", response.text)

if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
if "stat" in data and data["stat"] == "Ok":
print("Access token generated successfully!")
print(f"Token: {data['token']}")
return data["token"]
print(f"Error in API response: {data.get('emsg', 'Unknown error')}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error parsing response JSON: {str(e)}")
print(f"Failed to generate access token. HTTP Status: {response.status_code}")
return None

# Main execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
token = generate_access_token()
if token:
print("Access Token:", token)
print("Failed to generate an access token.")
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