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Python function to calculate Heikin-Ashi candles

Last updated on 5 days ago
karthikJunior Member
Posted 5 days ago
import pandas as pd

def calculate_heikin_ashi(df):
 Calculates Heikin-Ashi candles from OHLC data.
 df (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame with columns ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']
 DataFrame: New DataFrame with Heikin-Ashi candles ['HA_Open', 'HA_High', 'HA_Low', 'HA_Close']

 ha_df = df.copy() # Create a copy to avoid modifying the original DataFrame

 # Calculate HA_Close
 ha_df["HA_Close"] = (ha_df["Open"] + ha_df["High"] + ha_df["Low"] + ha_df["Close"]) / 4

 # Initialize HA_Open with the first Open value
 ha_df["HA_Open"] = 0
 ha_df.iloc[0, ha_df.columns.get_loc("HA_Open")] = (ha_df.iloc[0]["Open"] + ha_df.iloc[0]["Close"]) / 2

 # Calculate HA_Open for the rest of the rows
 for i in range(1, len(ha_df)):
 ha_df.iloc[i, ha_df.columns.get_loc("HA_Open")] = (
 ha_df.iloc[i - 1]["HA_Open"] + ha_df.iloc[i - 1]["HA_Close"]
 ) / 2

 # Calculate HA_High and HA_Low
 ha_df["HA_High"] = ha_df[["High", "HA_Open", "HA_Close"]].max(axis=1)
 ha_df["HA_Low"] = ha_df[["Low", "HA_Open", "HA_Close"]].min(axis=1)

 return ha_df[["HA_Open", "HA_High", "HA_Low", "HA_Close"]]

# Example Usage:
# Create sample OHLC data
data = {
 "Open": [100, 102, 104, 106, 108],
 "High": [103, 105, 107, 109, 111],
 "Low": [99, 101, 103, 105, 107],
 "Close": [102, 104, 106, 108, 110],

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Calculate Heikin-Ashi candles
ha_df = calculate_heikin_ashi(df)
karthikJunior Member
Posted 5 days ago
Heikin-Ashi Formula:

Given standard candlesticks with Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC):

HA_Close = (Open + High + Low + Close) / 4
HA_Open = (Previous HA_Open + Previous HA_Close) / 2
HA_High = max(High, HA_Open, HA_Close)
HA_Low = min(Low, HA_Open, HA_Close)
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