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import products from Excel to Shopify

Last updated on 6 months ago
Posted 6 months ago
Method 1: Using Shopify’s Built-In CSV Import Tool

Format Your Excel File to CSV
Shopify requires product data to be in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
Format your Excel file to match Shopify’s required CSV format.

Required Fields in Shopify's CSV Template:
Handle: Unique product identifier (slug used in the URL).
Title: Product name.
Body (HTML): Product description.
Vendor: Manufacturer or brand.
Type: Product type/category.
Tags: Comma-separated list of tags (optional).
Published: Whether the product is published (TRUE or FALSE).
Option columns: Options for size, color, etc.
Price: Product price.
Images: URLs to the product images (you can upload images separately).

You can download Shopify's product CSV template here:
Shopify CSV Template.

Save Excel File as CSV
Open your Excel file.
Click File -> Save As -> Choose CSV (Comma delimited) as the format.

Import CSV File to Shopify
Go to your Shopify Admin.
Navigate to Products > Import.
Click Choose File and select your CSV file.
Click Upload and Continue.
Shopify will preview the data. If everything looks correct, click Import Products.

Review the Imported Products
Once the import process is complete, check your products to ensure everything looks as expected.
Posted 6 months ago
Method 2: Using Apps to Import from Excel

If you have a more complex Excel file or need additional features, you can use Shopify apps to import data directly from Excel. Here are a few apps:

This app allows you to import, export, and update products using Excel or CSV files.
Supports bulk imports with custom fields, product variations, and more complex product data.
How to use:
Install the Excelify app from the Shopify App Store.
Upload your Excel file directly, and map the fields if necessary.
It will handle importing products, including images, categories, and variants.

Matrixify (formerly Excelify)
Another powerful app that allows for advanced importing/exporting of products using Excel.
Import products, collections, customers, and more.
Handle large data sets.
Import product images directly from Excel.

Converts Excel or Google Sheets into a format Shopify can import.
Automates data transfers from Excel to Shopify on a schedule, perfect for continuous updates.
Posted 6 months ago
Method 3: Manual Product Creation (for Small Datasets)

If you only have a small number of products, you can manually create them in Shopify by copying and pasting data from Excel.

Go to Products > Add Product in your Shopify admin.
Copy product data from your Excel sheet and paste it into the relevant fields.
Upload images and click Save.

Common Issues and Solutions

Incorrect CSV Format: Shopify is very particular about the format. Ensure your CSV matches Shopify's template.
Image Links: Shopify only accepts image URLs in the CSV. If you’re importing images, make sure they are hosted online (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive) or upload them manually.
Variations: For products with variants (like sizes or colors), ensure you include the appropriate fields in your Excel file (e.g., Option1 Name, Option1 Value).
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